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Find Your Voice

Find Your Voice lessons focus on music creation as a method for self-expression.
Learn to form lyrics, write music, and Find Your own Voice.

Easy enrollment and scheduling with Opus1.io

  • Includes but is not limited to:

    - Song Writing Classes

    - Beat Production Coaching

    - Spoken Word

    - Vocal Exercises

  • Why Find my Voice?

    The purpose of this program is to provide individuals a creative outlet to combat the feelings, emotions, and impulses that are related to depression, anxiety, and unrealistic social expectations/pressures.

Experience the Difference with Garrett Music Academy's
Personalized Private Lessons
Watch your child grow with confidence after each lesson!

About Garrett Music Academy

Our mission is to serve all members of the community that have a desire to play music, regardless of their age,
circumstances or ability. Our doors are open to all based on the following values:

  • Passion
  • Innovation
  • Knowledge
  • Inspiration
  • 20 Years of Service

  • 10 Community Awards

  • Over 3,000 Students Enrolled

  • Experienced Instructors

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