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Beyond Singing: How Voice Lessons Enhance Public Speaking and Acting Skills

When most people think of voice lessons, they picture aspiring singers perfecting their pitch and learning to belt out show tunes. While vocal training is essential for singers, its benefits extend far beyond the music world. At Garrett Music Academy, our voice lessons help students develop skills that translate directly to public speaking and acting, making them valuable for professionals, theater enthusiasts, and anyone looking to communicate more effectively.

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The Impact of Musical Theater on Children’s Mental Health

When children step into the spotlight of musical theater, they’re gaining far more than performance skills – they’re building essential tools for emotional wellness and psychological development. As educators and mental health professionals increasingly recognize the powerful connection between arts education and psychological well-being, musical theater stands out as a uniquely comprehensive approach to supporting children’s mental health.

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The Power of Music: Seeing the Humanity in Others

In a world that often reduces people to labels, objects or stereotypes, the importance of recognizing the inherent humanity in each individual cannot be overstated. By cultivating a mindset that sees the person behind the facade, we unlock new avenues for deeper connection, mutual understanding and social progress.
One of our most valuable tools in this endeavor is the connective power of music. As a universal language that transcends barriers, music has the capacity to evoke shared emotions, experiences and perspectives – reminding us of our fundamental bonds as fellow human beings. Moreover, music has historically played a vital role in giving voice to the marginalized, challenging injustice, and inspiring collective action for positive change.

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The Healing Power of Music: A Natural Remedy for Anxiety

Music offers a powerful, medication-free way to manage anxiety symptoms. Its accessibility, immediate effects, and lack of side effects make it an invaluable tool in any anxiety management toolkit. Whether you’re dealing with occasional stress or chronic anxiety, consider incorporating intentional music listening into your daily routine.

Remember, while music can be a helpful tool for managing anxiety, it’s important to consult with healthcare professionals if you’re experiencing severe or persistent anxiety symptoms. Music works best as part of a comprehensive approach to mental health and well-being.

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The Power of Music Lessons for Children on the Spectrum

As both a developmentalist and the owner of Garrett Music Academy, I’ve had the unique opportunity to observe firsthand how music education can profoundly impact children on the autism spectrum. Through my extensive work in teaching music to all ages and years of working with neurodivergent students, I’ve seen how the structured yet creative nature of music lessons can support crucial developmental areas in ways that traditional approaches sometimes cannot.

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Harmonic Healing: How Music Helps Older Adults With Memory Issues

The evidence is clear: music holds immense potential in supporting older adults with memory issues. As family members, caregivers, or healthcare professionals, we have the power to harness this simple yet profound tool. By incorporating music into care routines, we can enhance the quality of life for seniors, spark joy, and create meaningful connections.

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Mental Health and Music: How Musicians Cope Through Art

At its core, music is a language of emotion. For artists struggling with depression, anxiety, or other mental health issues, songwriting provides a unique outlet for expressing complex feelings that might be difficult to articulate in everyday conversation. The process of translating raw emotions into lyrics and melodies can be incredibly cathartic, allowing musicians to release pent-up feelings in a constructive way.

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The Healing Power of Music: A Journey Through Depression and Self-Discovery

Music has always been more than just a collection of sounds for me. It’s been a lifeline, a form of expression, and ultimately, a path to healing. As someone who has struggled with chronic depression and anxiety, I’ve discovered that music therapy can be a powerful tool for mental health.

My musical journey began at the age of eight when I started piano lessons. I was child in an Air Force family, and music was one of the few constants in my life as we moved from place to place. I dreamed of becoming a composer and concert pianist, but my journey wasn’t without its challenges.

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Maximizing Musical Progress: The Power of Setting Specific Practice Goals

Setting specific goals for each practice session helps you stay focused and make tangible progress in your musical journey. Here’s how you can expand on this tip: Identify Areas for Improvement: Before each practice session, take a moment to reflect on your recent performances or areas where you feel you need improvement. Whether mastering a difficult […]

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Understanding How Music Can Help You Connect With Yourself

Music is life.  Let me say it again, music is life and life is interesting and unique to each of us.  What do I mean by that?  Our connection with music is innate, music can help you connect with yourself.  We are born with rhythmic movement and spatial understanding.  Life is interesting. Each day comes […]

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Finding Your Voices

For over a year, voices have been silenced.  The streets were empty, schools were closed, playgrounds abandoned, businesses shuttered.  Life as we considered “normal” came to the screeching halt as the global pandemic, better known as Covid-19, changed our daily routines and shaped our social landscape.  Contact over the phone and through computer screens have become the norm […]

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Fork in the Road or Rather Stick The Fork in Me…

So I’ve learned quite the lesson due to the perpetual challenges 2020 has served this year…nothing can ever really truly be “planned” without surprises, life requires quite a bit of flexibility and be prepared to have expectations either lowered or completely derailed.  I’m not suggesting that my perspective in life and the current road I […]

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Wake up Call: Rude Awakening…DO NOT HIT SNOOZE

So I usually get my inspiration to write blog posts weeks in advance and I’ll write a series.  For the month of October, that has not been the case.  As a result, I feel compelled to pull back the veil today and share with you something that happened very recently that humbled me and in […]

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Do You Want To Be Popular?

When you want to do something, a goal, a desire…what is your motivation? What makes you excited to be alive?   Is it for the glow the task will bring you as you further your life’s mission and gain experience and knowledge or is it to gain adulation and praise from others?  Are we driven […]

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Die Old Habits…Just Die!

The other day I was stressed out, frustrated and well, just done!  The morning had been chaos from the time I opened my eyes and I was convinced that was going to be the tone of the day.  As I love to start the day with a good argument, the husband and I got into […]

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When being Tested, Do You Act or React?

So you are walking along, minding your own business and it happens.  You are blindsided by someone, some circumstances that you were (or weren’t in most cases) prepared for.  You are hurt, angry, frustrated, discouraged.  That feeling burns in your chest, your stomach…your head starts to throb.  You begin to question yourself, your circumstances, your […]

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Represent: Are you the Phoenix or are you the Fire?

There are days that I cannot, no matter how hard I try, to find the good and positive that surrounds me.  I think we all have days like that, the “nothing is going right, everything is going wrong…I’m Eeyore” kind of day.   Here is a very recent example from Chez Garrett:  I took all three […]

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Children’s Song Lyrics: Are You Kidding Me?

  I am a rocker chick. I spent a good portion of the late 1980s and early 1990s working with a local rock band as a manager and roadie and could run with the best of them.  Hairbands were my preference and specialty (although I did enjoy alternative classics from Depeche Mode, the Cure and […]

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How Do You Show Up?

  So it’s morning…alarm may or may not go off (no judgment from me).  You are conscious, lying there and you have a choice:  approach the day either in a positive or negative mindset.  How are you wired to view the day, your life and the world will impact the circumstances, opportunities, and experiences you […]

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Music in Chaos – Part 2

Music is not just an art but a universal language.  Music can convey emotions like happiness, anger, love, disappointment, etc. – in ways simple words cannot.  Through the pairing of melody, harmony, and words, thoughts, and feelings are transformed into stories.  These narratives bring to life the innermost parts of the self through vulnerability and […]

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Authenticity: Be You/Do You…Be Flawsome!

What makes you who you are? This may be an uncomfortable question for most – to strip down to bare bones. First, you should think about the context of my question.  Am I asking you about what physically makes you who you are or am I going deeper?  Dig deep, look deep, what does the […]

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Is Social Isolation the New “Normal”?

“We will see you when everything returns to normal,” is a phrase that I have seen and heard multiple times in the past two months.  As a parent, daughter, teacher, business owner, friend, and sister, I understand the logic and can rationalize why our world has shut down.  I can also rationalize the importance of […]

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Music in Chaos

I didn’t want to get up this morning.  I have been told many times that waking up at the same time every day, regardless of circumstances, helps with coping with stress and gives the person time to consciously decide how they will approach their day albeit positive or negative.  I didn’t get up on time, […]

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Music Versus Life: An Unfinished Symphony

Life is interesting. Each day comes with its own set of joys, sorrows, challenges and big wins…an emotional roller coaster set by what is around us and how we think and feel.  The same can be said for each person that walks this planet. We are all individuals, one of a kind, wondrously made with […]

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Depression, Anxiety, Trauma and the Brain

What are these invaders, what is the impact and why should we care? I heard it all the time…“It is just in your head!” I was in an abusive relationship and when we would have an “incident” and I had a reaction – that was the standard response.  Not pleasant or true but it became […]

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Produce Not Excuse

Every year, we hear the same motto, “New Year, New You”…well, while that may be a good sentiment to start fresh with the beginning of the year, it also implies that what makes you who you are needs a complete makeover.  I don’t know about you, but while I have regrets in my life, it […]

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